Personal Development FocusDeveloping Others

The focus of Personal Development is to develop our personal capacity to meet the needs of students with disability and additional learning needs in our classrooms. The purpose of the content in this part of Leading Learning 4 All is to build on your existing skills as a reflective practitioner. Framed by the Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, Personal Development comprises of numerous reflective activities that you can use as catalysts for discussion, leading to practical action. The Personal Audit provides a starting point to identify your strengths and growth points. The Personal Audit aligns with the five steps of the developing a Professional Learning Community as well as the focus areas below:

Where do we start?

Includes a Personal Audit that can be completed by staff in schools. It is a good place to start Personal Development and can be used for baseline data collection. The second section has a series of questions addressing vision, values, beliefs and attitudes.

Where Do We Start?


Explore what empathy means to enhancing teaching and learning for students with disability and additional learning needs in schools.



Explores individuals, their beliefs and the resources they use to judge their own abilities and performance, and how that in turn influences others.

Self Efficacy

Individual responsibility

Enables practitioners to look at their ethical obligations and understandings relating to responsibility for Leading Learning 4 All by connecting with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Individual Responsibility


Reflective teachers and leaders are better able to create meaningful learning experiences for all. The reflective activities included in this section focus on deeper understanding of how reflection on inclusive practice enhances outcomes for all.


Change agility

Without change, there is no growth; without the ability to change, schools lack innovation and creativity.

Change Agility

Inclusive practice 

People feel included when they have a sense of belonging and connection. Exploring this in relation to teaching and learning enables practitioners to develop an in-depth understanding of what this means in their classrooms, schools, communities and in our greater society.

Inclusive Practice

Sustaining your learning

Learning is continuous, this section explores how teachers, leaders and schools can continue to grow and learn to ensure that they are maintaining the focus on Leading Learning 4 All.

Sustaining Learning
