These resources enable you to explore practice-related aspects of Disability Standard 1. They include examples of how individual schools and teachers are currently making use of the Standard to support the enrolment process of Students With Disability. Practitioners have produced these illustrative short films for fellow practitioners. The materials are connected to the Leading Learning 4 All Resources and to other web-based links. Further resources will be added to the site during the coming months.
The enrolment Standard comprises two parts: the rights of the student and the requirements of the education organisation.
Students with Disibility have the right to seek admission and enrol on the same basis as prospective students without disability, including the right to reasonable adjustments.
- Take reasonable steps to ensure that the enrolment process is accessible.
- Consider Students with Disability in the same way as students without disability when deciding to offer a place.
Consult with the prospective students or their associates about the effect of the disability on their ability to seek enrolment make any reasonable adjustments necessary.
Overview: The film extracts illustrate how schools take particular care when engaging in discussion with parents and Students With Disability regarding possible future enrolment. Not only do schools try to ensure that accurate information is given, they also ensure that it is comprehensive and detailed. The admissions process comprises a team effort and requires a collaborative approach between school, parents and student.
Equal opportunity in admission and enrolment
Context: Inclusive enrolment involves a two-way process
QUESTION: Do you actively promote the admission of Students with Disability in your school? Can you think of some of the ways that you do this?
Taking ‘Reasonable Steps’ to ensure the enrolment process is accessible
Context: Systemic inclusive enrolment processes
QUESTION: What checks do you make to ensure that you have given parents and students sufficient information about school provision for Students With Disability? Are there any ways in which the information you provide might be refined?
Overview: The selected resources are a starting point for the wide range of useful material available to practitioners. Further sample links can be obtained in the Resources section of this website.
How schools avoid enrolling children with disabilities
Education rights for children with disability
Students with disabilities: Enrolment Guidelines
Overview: The questions in this section are catalysts for further discussion regarding the extent to which schools current approaches to enrolment provide opportunities for all parents and students to access the information necessary for them to make informed choices.
What is the best way of using the viewpoints of parents and students as a means of creating a more accessible enrolment process?
Do you seek feedback from parents and Students With Disability regarding their experiences during the enrolment process?
Is documentation regarding your school (its organisation, teaching approach, curriculum offer and social opportunities) available in formats that are accessible to all potential students and their parents?
Connect #1
Overview: The resources relating to Disability Standard 1 are linked to a parallel set of materials, developed to stimulate the development of ‘communities of inclusive learning practice’ in schools. Recognition of the practical implications of the Disability Standards is a vital element of this approach to professional development.